Experts in unlocking your heritage

We unlock the stories from your collections to create meaningful stories for your visitors.
We can lead or support with content development and interpretation for any topic. Our expertise covers curating, research, interpretation planning, script-writing and editing.
Whether you need an interpretation strategy, guidance on writing exhibition text or a full curatorial service, we're here for you.

When you're stuck, we can help you think clearly about what needs to happen.
We're especially good with things like business planning, project processes, project reports and briefing potential contractors.
We provide full documentation to demonstrate you have followed best practice for your trustees and stakeholders or for an official audit.

We have the experience to keep your business on track if you are suddenly short-staffed or when key managerial roles need urgent cover. We seamlessly step in until a more permanent solution is put in place.
We enjoy sharing our skills and helping people with professional development. We are experienced at devising and running bespoke workshops. Our most popular training packages include working in partnership, writing for exhibitions and compiling exhibition proposals.